
I bring an evolving set of fundamentals in art and technology, that I have used to realize hundreds of goals for a diverse range of clientele. I provide inspired thinking, and encourage excellence and open lines of communication. I love challenging work that produces innovative concepts of enduring effect, and am committed to collaborative efforts and efficient workflows, within supportive environments.

Technical Proficiencies
    CSS, HTML, JavaScript (XHR/AJAX, jQuery, Prototype, YUI), MySQL, PHP 4+ (OOP, MVC), XML & XSLT
    Linux (RedHat, Ubuntu), Mac (Classic, OS X), Windows (95+), Unix
    Cinema 4D, Flash, InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop ... Major media. productivity, and web software

Professional Experience

Wells Fargo – San Francisco, California
Front-End Developer (2009 - present)
Senior developer for the Wholesale Banking division. Our team was designed to consolidate and advance web- development efforts for over 10 business-to-business web-based applications, products, and services.
  • Contributed towards a monumental session manager for legacy pages, multiple windows and sub-domains.
  • Replaced third-party tool with an in-house implementation, avoiding a one million dollar service fee.
  • Bridged gap between back and front-end developers, with AJAX protocols and uniform JSP structures.
  • Hosted weekly team-building sessions, which spanned code-reviews, best-practices, and new technologies.

Yahoo! – Sunnyvale, California
Engineer (2008 - 2009)
Key developer within a small team, charged with implementing features and enhancements of the industry-leading, WYSIWYG, browser-based, website publishing tool “Yahoo! Site Solution”.
  • Enabled audio and video content publishing (respectively) within customer websites.
  • Lead developer for web-forms feature, including data bound form fields (e.g., “comments” vs “textarea”), submission validation, and enhanced form-field options (e.g., a calendar widget).
  • Implemented the “Yahoo! Small Business Open Platform” pilot program; a marketplace of site enhancements for customer websites, by third-party developers.
  • Introduced development initiatives to unify Javascript chaining/callbacks and protect critical routines from untrusted code execution, respectively.

Garnet Capital Advisors – Harrison, New York
Web Master (2005 - 2006)
One-man-army for advancing the company’s online presence and functionality. From concept to development, delivered cutting-edge techniques in PHP and Ruby to reduce operational costs and consolidate routines and resources.
  • Prototyped “Comet” (HTTP Persist) with PHP (re-factored in Ruby) for live auction application.
  • Enhanced web presence with strategic marketing, web optimization and redesign.
  • Performed general IT tasks; inventory, tech support, installation and administration, etc.

The O Group,  Inc. – New York, New York
Senior Project Manager (1999 - 2000)
Supervised the interactive department (2 developers, 4 artists, 1 project manager), and provided hands-on support for numerous web clientele.
  • Trained staff in basic HTML, and basic interface design patterns. 
  • Led requirements meetings with clients, for estimates which documented their entire vision and milestones.
  • Managed backup schedules, user accounts, and monitored network security on a Windows NT file server. 
  • Developed and implemented the assessment and acquisition process of interviewees.

Tech-9 Multimedia, Inc. – South Orange, New Jersey
Senior Web Developer (1997 - 1999)
Senior web developer and graphic artist.
  • Enhanced visibility of client products and services by accurately adapting imagery and marketing strategy to various digital mediums.
  • Created methodologies for rapid development, allowing us to produce Internet solutions within 24 hours.
  • Developed modular production processes that simplified transferring projects to external developers.

Simon & Schuster – Upper Saddle River, New Jersey
Web Developer & Multimedia QA Lead (1995 - 1997)
Technology researcher, analyst and educator.  Quality assurance analyst and assistant artistic designer for a line of interactive educational titles.
  • Implemented first secure public network for accessing internal information (i.e., an Intranet), using Perl scripts, .htaccess authentication, and data from regional mainframes.
  • Delivered technology presentations, training, and reports to staff.
  • Monitored quality of several educational multi-media compact-disc products.

Freelance Work (1996 - 2008)
New York, New York
Contracted and sub-contracted for numerous art and technology solutions.
  • Developed custom e-commerce sites based on open-source PHP packages (Drupal and Ubercart).
  • Defined XML structure to configure Flash header, for runtime control over image and animation behavior.
  • Produced numerous sections of a Flash presentation, marketing network storage software.
  • Translated Photoshop mock-ups into HTML pages, for numerous TV marketing/promotional events.
  • Developed web-based ERP systems, using ASP/VB.Net, specific to the Animal Agriculture industry
  • Information modeling for web-auction accounting system to manage annual income of over 4 million dollars.

Client and project samples:
(PHP, MySQL, XHTML, CSS, and JavaScript)

(XHTML, CSS, and JavaScript)

(PHP, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript and design)

(XHTML, CSS, and JavaScript/AJAX)

    Middlebury College - Middlebury, Vermont - 1995-1996
    Westtown Preparatory School - Westtown, Pennsylvania - 1992-1995


Referrals available upon request
