Thursday, December 8, 2011

Too many drafts

It's come to the point that I have more drafts than published posts in my account... and life isn't slowing down. I've started a new job, am expecting a new baby (my first), and there's still a lot I need to figure out. Writing doesn't come easy for me, but I thought to post something that gets the ball rolling. More to come!


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Passing Second-Class Arguments

Before it's current incarnation, I was frustrated by my own, soon-to-be-renamed, Proxy object. [Mind you, I don't mean the upcoming E5 Proxy object.] As a function manager, Proxy offers the benefit of passing secondary execution information, to it's managed routines. (These "extra" arguments permit comprehensive forking.) As with many function managers, this well-intentioned practice wound up restricting the number of arguments allowed in managed routines, resulting in a polluted signature.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Proxy and the ES5 (Harmony) Proxy

I didn't know it then, but Proxy is a native object in ECMA-Script 5 (ES5), the next web programming language. What this means is that I must change the name of my Proxy object to something else - yet to be determined. Moreover, I'm sure there will be inquiries (from all two of you) about the differences and similarities between my Proxy object and "theirs".
